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Sleep & Insomnia

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder in which you experience difficulty falling and staying asleep. With insomnia, you are likely to find it difficult to experience restful sleep despite having the opportunity to do so.  

While it is common to experience difficulty in sleeping occasionally, insomnia stands apart as a condition that can immensely impact your overall well-being and daily functioning. Insomnia, characterized by insufficient sleep and rest, can result in fatigue, mood disturbances, and a decline in performance at work and school.

At Forever Young, we provide comprehensive medical care and assistance to address your sleep disorder. Our dedicated team provides personalized treatment plans tailored to your conditions and needs.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Common symptoms of insomnia include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep 
  • Difficulty staying asleep and waking up during the night
  • Poor quality and non-restorative sleep
  • Tiredness and low energy levels during the daytime
  • Irritability and mood disturbances
  • Difficulty focusing on daily tasks
  • Tension headaches

The symptoms may vary in intensity and duration based on the severity of your condition. 

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia can be a result of a variety of factors, including your lifestyle habits, health conditions, and mental health disorders, as well as certain risk factors.

Lifestyle Habits

Your lifestyle significantly influences your sleep patterns. Unhealthy lifestyle habits can adversely affect sleep quality and may lead to insomnia. These include: 

  • Irregular sleep schedules
  • Lack of a consistent bedtime routine
  • An unhealthy and uncomfortable sleep environment
  • Overuse of stimulants such as coffee and nicotine
  • Excessive screen time
  • Lack of physical activity and movement
  • Alcohol consumption

Health Conditions

Certain health conditions can significantly impact the quality of your sleep and potentially lead to insomnia. These conditions include:

  • Hormone imbalance associated with menstruation, menopause, low testosterone levels, and thyroid disorders can affect your sleep. 
  • Chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis, can cause discomfort and make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. 
  • Mental health disorders, such as excessive stress, depression, and anxiety, are associated with disturbances in sleep patterns and cause insomnia. 

Addressing these underlying causes is crucial for the effective management of insomnia.

Risk Factors

Several factors can exacerbate your sleep difficulties and increase the likelihood of developing insomnia. These risk factors include:

  • Age: Insomnia is common among older people. As you age, your sleep pattern changes. 
  • Gender: Women are at higher risk of having sleep difficulties, especially during hormonal changes, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause
  • Profession: High-stress jobs, irregular work hours, or shift work can increase the risk of insomnia.

Types of Insomnia

Insomnia can be classified into different types based on its duration, underlying causes, and patterns. Based on duration, insomnia can be acute or chronic. 

Acute insomnia is short-lived, typically lasting less than a month. On the other hand, chronic insomnia persists for a more extended period, ranging from one to six months or even longer, often necessitating medical attention.

Based on the underlying cause of insomnia, there are two types:

  • Primary insomnia is related to stress, lifestyle, and environmental factors. It is not directly associated with other health conditions.
  • Secondary insomnia is associated with other health conditions, often manifesting as a symptom of these underlying issues. 

Other types of insomnia based on sleep patterns include:

  • Sleep onset insomnia is when you experience difficulty falling asleep at the beginning of the night.
  • Sleep maintenance insomnia is when you have trouble staying asleep. 
  • Mixed insomnia is when you have difficulty falling and staying asleep throughout the night. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder where the upper airway gets partially or completely blocked during sleep, leading to interruptions in breathing. This occurs due to the relaxation of throat muscles and tissues, causing brief pauses in breathing. 

If you have OSA, you may often wake up with a sudden snort or gasping sound. Common symptoms of OSA include: 

  • Persistent and loud snoring
  • Pauses in breathing during sleep
  • Choking or gasping at night
  • Daytime sleepiness and fatigue
  • Morning headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability and mood changes
  • Restless sleep
  • Sore throat upon awakening

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Weight

There are many factors that can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, but the primary cause is overweight and obesity. Factors such as your age, gender, and genetics can also increase the risk of OSA. 

Excess weight, particularly around the neck and throat area, can result in the narrowing of the airway, thereby elevating the risk of airway obstruction during sleep. 

Interestingly, OSA and weight gain often create a reciprocal relationship. OSA can disrupt your sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and increased appetite, factors that may contribute to further weight gain. Excessive weight is characterized by hormonal imbalance, such as low testosterone levels. This can disrupt your sleep cycles and patterns.

Treatment of OSA focuses on improving sleep quality and addressing the root cause of the condition. Maintaining a healthy weight plays a crucial role in managing OSA. For people with excessive weight, medication-assisted weight loss can improve or even resolve OSA symptoms effectively.  

Treatment of OSA and Insomnia

At Forever Young, our team is dedicated to helping you manage your sleep disorder by addressing the underlying causes of your condition. This involves diagnosing and treating the root cause to enhance your sleep quality.

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of your health to accurately diagnose your condition. 

To manage your condition effectively, our team will create personalized treatment plans tailored to address the root cause. This may involve managing the underlying health conditions and incorporating lifestyle modifications based on the factors contributing to your OSA or insomnia.


These may include medications that will promote relaxation and induce sleep to help with sleep onset and maintenance. Our team may also provide medications to target the underlying causes contributing to sleep disruptions. 

This may involve medications to manage stress, depression, and anxiety. For sleep disorders related to hormonal imbalances, hormonal treatments may be provided.

Lifestyle Changes

We may suggest certain lifestyle changes and modifications to assist you in managing your condition and enhancing the quality of your sleep. These may include establishing regular sleep schedules and cultivating a comfortable and relaxing sleep environment. 

Our team may also propose dietary plans and exercise routines to support your overall health and advice on limiting stimulant use to promote good sleep.

Managing Sleep and Insomnia in Gulfport, MS

Poor sleep can significantly affect the quality of your life and performance. At Forever Young, we offer personalized care and support to help you manage your sleep disorder effectively.

To schedule an appointment with our providers, reach out to us at 228-363-6623 or request a consultation online.

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