Insomnia can be classified into different types based on its duration, underlying causes, and patterns. Based on duration, insomnia can be acute or chronic.
Acute insomnia is short-lived, typically lasting less than a month. On the other hand, chronic insomnia persists for a more extended period, ranging from one to six months or even longer, often necessitating medical attention.
Based on the underlying cause of insomnia, there are two types:
- Primary insomnia is related to stress, lifestyle, and environmental factors. It is not directly associated with other health conditions.
- Secondary insomnia is associated with other health conditions, often manifesting as a symptom of these underlying issues.
Other types of insomnia based on sleep patterns include:
- Sleep onset insomnia is when you experience difficulty falling asleep at the beginning of the night.
- Sleep maintenance insomnia is when you have trouble staying asleep.
- Mixed insomnia is when you have difficulty falling and staying asleep throughout the night.